Now staying at a distance where friends need jetlag pills to come to your place, I tend to stay home more than staying out. But in the end I realised me being me, it is just an illusion that I have turned domesticated. The realisation was further proven when coming out from a dance performance, I turned to ToyGirl and mentioned it is still a bit early (10pm) so we shall go for a short nightcap. Being with me for more than 10 years, she knows it is never a short nightcap. On such a short notice, I've decided Mist Club will be my best bet.

1. Some friends might be there.
2. Excellent cocktails at reasonable prices.
3. Friends might end up buying me drinks. (hehe..)

We got there a bit early and ToyGirl couldn't wait for some friends that might or might not show up, she decided to have a simple cocktail that is strong enough to give her some kick. A Long Island! (what else??)

Very affordable at RM 26 and depending on your taste on cocktails (ToyGirl's being the stronger the better!), it suits ToyGirl just fine. And as for me, I decided to skip on cocktails and head on to something with a little more class (ahem!). Which is to say, my friend did show up and we had some really really good single malt (my preference!). A Singleton of Glen Ord, not 12, not 15 but 18 years old bottle. Needless to say, it wasn't a nightcap afterall.

When we decide to end the so called nightcap, it was 2:30am! Knowing tomorrow to be another happening day that will last throughout the night with the floggers (excuses, excuses,excuses), we packed in some after-drinks supper at USJ 2 for some backup energy (hehehe..more like fat in the making).

A very apt name for a very apt food that blows your cholesterol sky high. ToyGirl chose this (and she is the one worried about weight).

I chose one that is the lesser of two evils. Roti Kosong but with extra kuah. You need spicy after drinking (it is a fact!). Now we can go to rest.

10 Responses to "Nightcap @ The Mist Club"

  1. "Joe" who is constantly craving Says:

    hahaha a little bit of class..

    i like that..nothing like single malt now la..

  2. HairyBerry Says:

    ok lah, roti canais are not that heavy. wait til you go supper with me.

    it's either maggi goreng or nasi lemak. and if had a few long islands before that, it'll be both..hehe...

    great single malt there. ;D

  3. Allan Yap & Nigel A. Skelchy Says:

    You just went and we're going again? You must really love the place. But then again you two are such party animals ;-)

  4. ToyBoy & ToyGirl Says:

    Haigh, still not use to having a blog. I need to be more vigilant in keeping track of it. =)

    Allan & Nigel: No la, there got good music and good drinks mah. And if can party with you two, I will go everyday.

    Nic: I witnessed ur supper skills that night already. I believe you.

    Joe: Ya man, nothing beats a single malt now. I had a bottle of 21 years Glen, beautiful bottle.

  5. Life for Beginners Says:

    "You need spicy after drinking.."

    I agree, oh but I think one can do with spicy all the time, be it a dish of devil's curry or simply a dishy devil at home! :P

    P.S. Blogging newbies! So sweet and uncorrupted... Must. Corrupt. You. Two... LOL

  6. ToyBoy & ToyGirl Says:

    You are indeed very notty..*wink wink* ^o^

  7. fatboybakes Says:

    oh, didnt realise u started blogging oridi!

  8. ToyBoy & ToyGirl Says:

    FBB: Shelved in reality is bad enough and now another blow to me, shelved in virtual reality too.. sigh.

  9. Louis Rentals Says:

    Seems to be really nice club to have a cocktail or two with a couple of friends. Cheers!

  10. Jessie Tips Says:

    A wonderful place to enjoy amazing cocktails with a couple of colleagues after a hard day at work.

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